Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Blogging Towards Publication - My Article in Litro Magazine

"Whatever it is you think you should be blogging about, forget it. Successful creative bloggers don't set up their blog based on what they think will get them a million followers, a publishing deal and an award for Best Blog of the Year. Successful bloggers start their blogs motivated by a passion for their subject, a passion that sustains their blog and keeps them developing new ideas for it over the years to come."

Read my full article in Litro Magazine.

UPCOMING WORKSHOP: Blogging for Beginners and Improvers  

Saturday 13th July 10.30am - 2.30pm (including 30min break)
@ 77 Tower Bridge Road, SE1 4TW
Fee: £40.00 Limited Places.

This intensive workshop is packed with tips about how to make the most of your blog, how to promote it, gain a readership, keep it interesting and also, importantly, what to avoid. If you’ve been meaning to start a blog for a long time, why put it off any longer? Come along for a friendly, fun and informative workshop.

For more information visit my Social Media Workshops Page.


Creaky door writer said...

Emily, I am so glad you said that. I keep thinking of things I ought to blog about because it would get me more followers, but I keep coming back to what really interests me, and what I'm looking for in a writer's blog - tips, information, problem sharing and reflection on all aspects of writing itself! When time is short, and you are trying to write as well as write a blog, you have to write what inspires you. I've been beating myself up for doing this but I feel better about it now!

Shop Girl said...

That's great to hear. One of my paragraphs had a title added to it 'Don't Write about Writing' - but of course write about writing if you want to! Enjoy it! There's a blog for everyone out there :)

Gabriele said...

I came along with business on mind and a whole new world of opportunities was presented to me - Emily, you inspired me your workshop and with your own blog. I gained a great deal of insight into the best 'tone' for a blog and learned the practical steps of how to create one. Comprehensive. Thanks - Gabriele