Tuesday 18 October 2016

Palma Marathon - finishing line!

This is just a short post to let you know I made it to the finish line! After training in my hilly neighbourhood my fitness level was better than expected. In fact, I really enjoyed the half marathon course and felt great until kilometre 19.... fortunately by then the end was in sight!

ProActiva Opens Arms will have just received the 100 euros I wanted to raise - thank you for the support! I really believe every little helps!

Would I run it again?  Definitely. 

Would I ever run a full marathon? I doubt it very much!


Unknown said...

Yay!! Well done!
Have just spent a fab afternoon reading your blogs in reverse order. Love them all but turning the inner critic into a best friend and taking 100% responsibility for your own life are the 2 new perspectives that will influence my life.
Looking forward to more blogs. xxx

Emily Benet said...

@JaneMartin thank you so much for reading! It means so much to know those blog posts have given you a new perspective - as they gave me too. I love sharing stuff like that. So much negativity online that I strive to be positive and add value :)