I’m back in London and I need a job.
My CV is awaiting a polish up.
Registering with a temping agency is the first thing to cross my mind, then teaching in an English Language School.
Everyone is talking about a crisis. Are there vacancies out there?
I got myself a Journalism Diploma last year.
The classes had a strong focus on the impossibility of breaking into the industry.
“But you have to try,” the tutor would add.
The effect of this message is, that despite all the studying and a cosy little distinction on my certificate, it doesn’t even occur to me to look for a job in the media.
That said, I’ll now spend a moment looking wistfully out of the window while I imagine this blog was a column in a newspaper.
How I’d love to be able to write for a living!
I’m disciplined, I’m determined, I love the satisfaction of meeting deadlines and I love tea.
In Bogota I was able to dedicate entire months to my novel.
It was the first time in my life I’d been able to do that.
Up until then I’d always written in moments snatched before and after work.
Being able to write every day actually made writing easier.
I started to get into the zone more quickly; my ideas developed and the novel began to take shape.
Now two weeks have passed without me looking at it and I already feel it drifting away.
I just need to find a new routine so I can keep at it.
I want to get something good enough to send off to an agent.
Of course meanwhile I need a paid job, a job which might teach me something and help me develop my skills.
This blog has brought me a lot of luck, a lot of support and a lot of advice... so if any of you readers know of any opportunities out there, or have any tips for me, I’d love to hear from you!
What, no more shop, Shop Girl?
Move to Sant Llorenc, its so niceee!!!
I started my own writing and editing business 6 months ago, and it's going better than I could have imagined. I don't always get to work on the most exciting literature, but I love playing around with words and sharpening up sentences regardless of the subject or context. I think it's a good time to go freelance because businesses are outsourcing more and more in order to reduce overheads. You could write press releases, corporate brochures, website copy, articles for trade mags - loads!
Anonymous 1: Shop Girl is helping her mum a bit this week, but she will need to be able to pay rent in the near future so must look for other things...
Oli Bee: Yeah, that will help brother :P
Anonymous 2: I have thought about freelance, I'm just concerned that it's so unpredictable and I'll spend my whole time pitching and not writing...
PS. Anonymous 2. Can you give me a job then? :P
I'm anon 2 :)
I found this community http://www.26.org.uk/ really encouraging when investigating the potential to earn money through writing.
But, you're right - there is an element of fear in freelancing which I suppose could dampen your creative flair. I find these things really unpredictable - a cruddy temping job could also drain your creative spirit. Both will take up a lot of your time - work just does.
The fact that you're qualified, published and have had your work recognised would be a real selling point.
Dear Shop Girl,
I haven't a clue what to advise you because I'm in the same position. What I would like to share with you is the message my muse repeats in my ear at all doubting hours of the day and night - and believe me, there are many.
"Keep swimming."
The reference comes from a book by Natalie Goldberg called 'Long Quiet Highway.'
I'm starting to learn that when you're true to your passion, to yourself in all your brilliance and splendor, things happen. You've it for yourself with the success of your blog! The difficult part is weeding through the draining doubt and pesky practicalities of life, but sometimes, we're much more taken care of than we think. The Gods of Writing have a way of creating the perfect opportunities for us to continue cultivating our relationship with writing, and as you say, the more you do it, the easier it is.
So my advice is...keep swimming.
Happy Christmas!
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