Monday 17 August 2015

New Author Website - just in time for release of #PleaseRetweet!

I want to introduce you to my brand new author website:

I thought it was about time to get my writing life in better order. From here you'll be able navigate much easier through my books and articles. You'll also be able to follow me on my different social networks: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I'll still be using blogger as a platform for my blog posts, but they will be integrated with my website too.   

I particularly like the countdown to publication for #PleaseRetweet - currently at 9 days 11 hours 36 minutes and 8...7...6 seconds!


Lindsay said...

Great website! And as for that author pic - looking good. Jealous - I never looked like that even in my young and more gorgeous days!.

Emily Benet said...

Thank you Lindsay! *blush* I wasn't sure about having it on there to be honest. It was the husband's choice! :)