Saturday 2 May 2020

Covid-19 Diaries - Lockdown Day 49 - Liberation Day

It's Liberation Day here in Spain. After 48 days in captivity, the adult population is finally allowed outside the house to exercise. Apparently there were huge smiles on people's faces between 6.00 and 10.00, the allocated slot for morning outings. I didn't witness them myself since at 9.36 I was still in my pyjamas, having breakfast with the husband and toddler.   

The rule is that adults between 14 - 70 years old can go outside between 6.00 and 10.00, and in the evening between 20.00 and 23.00.  Those over 70yrs have the 10.00 - 12.00 and 19.00 - 20.00 slots.

Got it? Keep up!

Going out with one other person from the same household is permitted. However, children can't go out during adult time. They must be taken out between 12.00 and 19.00. So my husband and I can't go outside together unless we leave our toddler at home alone... Now, nearly 2 year old Sol has learned  a lot of new skills during lockdown: names of colours, parts of her body, how to make (wooden) kiwi and onion soup, random song and poetry lyrics including Each Peach Pear Plum... HOWEVER, I still wouldn't feel comfortable leaving her on her own.  

As much as I'd love to go out with my husband, I'm not here to moan. I think the Spanish government has been doing a much better job that many others in these dire circumstances, and this new phase is just that... a phase.

Today there was a huge collective sigh of relief around the country. I've no doubt there was laughter and tears and promises never to take our freedom for granted ever again. There may also have been a few stiff joints and a twisted ankle.

My brother's Boxer puppy, Bobby, summed up the happiness of so many as he splashed in the sea near Alicante. Finally out for a proper walk with both his owners, he couldn't contain his excitement and bounded from stick to rock to water, digging up sand, and spraying everyone. The wag of his tail seemed to say: ISN'T LIFE MARVELLOUS!

Though I'm not immune to the stresses of lockdown - I've a mouth ulcer the size of the moon and my teeth are aching - knowing I can leave the flat this evening, to walk around the block, is one of those small things which is actually the big things.

If lockdown is a difficult journey through the desert then today we reached the first bar in nearly two months. And my god, does the beer taste good.

Thanks so much for reading. Get in touch on my Facebook Author Page!  

Continue reading blog posts from the Lockdown:

Or, escape the lockdown with a copy of The Hen Party - set in the beautiful island of Mallorca! 


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